So, who the hell are we, what are we doing, where and why…
We are ex-professionals from London and have decided to give it all up to have a little adventure, get away from it all and come back hopefully to a booming economy, low rents and immediate employment. We’ve worked together for 2 years, lived together for 6 months, so spending 18 months together should be a breeze.
The original plan was to go to South America for around six months but then that expanded to include Central America and then that expanded to include South East Asia. So our itinerary, although not set in stone, is something along the following lines:
3 months in South East Asia:
Thailand > Laos > Vietnam > Cambodia
6 – 9 months in South America
Brazil > Uruguay > Argentina > Chile > Paraguay > Bolivia > Peru > Ecuador > Colombia > Venezuela
3 months in Central America
Panama > Costa Rica > Nicaragua > Honduras > El Salvador > Guatemala > Belize > Mexico
So why are we pouring this out into a blog?
Firstly, we found others’ travel blogs indispensable when planning our own trip and it only seems fair to give something back, if anybody ever stumbles across it. Second, it’s the modern equivalent of keeping a diary and the easiest way to keep everyone up to date on our progress. And finally, Rich is a huge geek and wants to learn WordPress development and SEO 🙂
So, if you’re still interested, you can subscribe somewhere over on the right and we’ll send you an email every time we have something new to say.
Happy reading!
Rich and Leah x